Scaffolding Learning in Various Subjects | Episode #2

Scaffolding Learning in Various Subjects with guest, Leah Cleary.
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Episode Summary

Episode 2 is talking all about scaffolding learning through various subjects. Brittany, Ellie, and their guest, Leah Cleary, discuss scaffolding learning, giving background on what it is, how it can be used, how it differs from subject to subject, and more.

The 3 hosts for this week will cover scaffolding learning in various subjects, such as history, math, ELA, and more. Listen in and think about how you can use scaffolding in your classroom. Then, drop us a comment, and share how you’re using or plan to use scaffolding learning in your classroom.

Leah Cleary is a 23 year veteran of the public school system and has taught both ELA and social studies. She has taught at both the middle and high school levels and is now a high school social studies teacher and department chair.

Topics Discussed

  • scaffolding learning
  • building skills
  • strong foundations
  • social studies
  • math
  • ELA
  • vocabulary

Transcript for Scaffolding Learning


Connect With Guest: Leah Cleary

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2 thoughts on “Scaffolding Learning in Various Subjects | Episode #2”

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